
Welcome to GPTPlugins4All

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Demo Code

!pip install GPTPlugins4All
!pip install openai
!pip install python-dotenv
import os
from GPTPlugins4All.config import Config
from GPTPlugins4All.assistant import Assistant

from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Main function to run the demo
def main():
    config = Config('alpha_vantage')
    config.add_auth_method("QUERY", {"param_name": "apikey", "key": os.getenv('ALPHA_VANTAGE_KEY')})
    assistant = Assistant(config, "Finance Assistant", "Assist users on how to make money by using the AlphaVantage API. This system connects you to the AlphaVantageAPI via the available tools. An API key is already present and it is unnecessary to supply one or ask the user for one.", "gpt-4-1106-preview")
    assistant.get_assistant_response("Please fetch the daily time series for the MSFT stock ticker and give me your analysis on it. My api key is "+os.getenv('ALPHA_VANTAGE_KEY'))
if __name__ == "__main__":

Install GPTPlugins4All

pip install GPTPlugins4All

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